Ramblings of a 34B cup...

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Come on kids, it's your civic duty!

I don't care who you vote for as long as you vote for the same person I want! Ok, so that's not really true. Yes, it's no secret who the B cups support, but here's the real deal. I'm not interested in trying to talk you into supporting the donkeys and I'n not interested in being urged to vote for the elephants. Fair, right? So HERE IS what I am going to try and talk you into. Know the issues. Learn the facts. Don't let some TV commercial producer assist you in making these very important decisions. Knowledge is power bloggey voters and if you still don't know who you are going to vote for then, "what in the sam hell are you waiting for?" Seek out the candidate the most aligns with your beliefs and get your tail in line to vote. Complaining will not be tolerated by anyone who does not give a rip enough to learn the facts and take a stand. With that said, mark your calenders to do the right thing and vote (ok, so a little fun isn't illegal is it?). So everyone is talking (and talking and talking...) about Obama vs McCain and Franken vs Coleman and Madia vs Paulsen, but what about the other issues? (Insert Tim, the toolman, Tailer, ahhhuuuh noise here.) I know! There is more to think about! For example city offices, judicial offices (mental note to call Bean for input) and the Clean Water, Wildlife, Cultural Heritage and Natural Areas Amendment. So you have 6 days and counting. Getcher head in the game and learn about what you need to vote on. Here's how to attempt to wrap your brain around all of this if you live in Hennepin County. From the county website you can get yourself a sample ballot just by typing in your address. Great now half the battle is done. You know what is expected of you now get on out there and vote. Got cha!


Gracie said...

I voted today!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!

Henry said...

Well said! I wish we could vote early, seems like a good idea to avoid the lines.