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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Baby talk.

Incredible. Absolutely, positively incredible. All these gals who were barely responsible enough to get passing grades and hold on to a part time job in college are now fostering our youth. I can't wait until Claire gets old enough for me to teach her the tales of living at 345 Ramsey Street #3. I'm gonna teach her important lessons like doing a, "bed check," every night when spring breaking in Cancun. I'm gonna be sure she knows to beware of budget hair salons and N-E-V-E-R mess with Texas. Amira my sweet deara... Just wait until I can tell you all about your Auntie Bean (not enough dirt on your mama yet-but I will be forever grateful for the pant-less ride home). That Auntie of yours, she's a smart one AND a tough one. Don't you worry she'll always have your back when a drunkerd steals your New Castle. Your Uncle Brian? Well, we aren't even going there until you are at least 18, maybe 21. Baby Charlie, I just wanna pinch those big cheeks and twirl my fingers in your curly locks. Ladies beware and gosh forbid you EVER get tangled up in a crew as crazy as these Maverick ladies. I'm not even going to talk South Padre Island for fear of resurfacing stories about the lady firefighter (remember the hotel room dance off? Eye-yiy-yiy-yiy-yiyyyy!!! Bottom line. You're mama has alot to be worried about. Whoa, Noah! Where do I even start? You're mom would like to you to believe she always towed the straight and narrow. Soooooo not the case-I mean she could barely guide the, "Gutless Cutless," straight down Balcerzak. Wait till I tell you about all the times she flashed the neighbors out the front window. Wait till you learn the hard (or should I say disgustingly warm) lesson of the calico beer. I can't help but wonder if you may not grow up to be a traffic cop considering your mommy's years of stopping traffic. Miss Ames... You my friend have more tales than I could ever tell. Your best bet it to wait to have children until I am tucked away safe in the alzheimers wing of a nursing home.

Thanks again Mav gals for a fun day of catch up. I love you all and can't wait to do it again (maybe Front Street style next time?).


Henry said...

Oh, God help my ovaries~!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting. Ive frozen my eggs so I can have kids in 40 yrs. I think that should give you enough time to forget a thing or two!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting. Ive frozen my eggs so I can have kids in 40 yrs. I think that should give you enough time to forget a thing or two!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for hosting. Ive frozen my eggs so I can have kids in 40 yrs. I think that should give you enough time to forget a thing or two!