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Monday, June 9, 2008

Personal train-ah takin' weight gain-ah...

Seriously, I don't even know who raps that song I used in the title. What I DO know is that if you want a big ole slice of humble pie (or maybe I should say a slice of low fat, whole grain, apple crisp) then have a body fat assessment done. Holy Crimany! Way to jerk my big ole bummer back into reality! I met with a personal trainer on Saturday morning (8am I know-I don't want to talk about it) to set up proper program to firm up and learn how to "train smarter, not harder". I mean just hear me out on this. I'm not looking to drop 20 lbs or fit into a size 2 (or 4 for that matter) jeans. Just lookin' to make sure that when I do my Miss America wave the underside of my arm doesn't jiggle like my mother-in-laws holiday fruit infused JELLO. Just asking for a little extra assistance in figuring out how to get rid of that "extra texture" I am sporting on my rump-o-la. I am determined after many scrupling hours of flexing in the bathroom mirror that I want more G.I. Jane-like shoulders and triceps before the boating season really begins. So anyway this trainer... he is S-M-A-R-T and is my brave and fearless leader as I begin this fat burning journey. PLUS he promised me he will be able to bounce a quarter off my buttocks when he is done with me (ok ,so not really but a girl can dream can't she?)! I'll keep you posted on the progress, but if you are waiting to see a swim suit photo shoot you are coming to the wrong place-you'll just have to take my word for it! On a serious note: if you are looking for a GREAT personal trainer that will make your body hurt, (in places you didn't even know you could hurt) go see Justin W. at the LTF in the "grove."

Well you calorie consuming/calorie burning bloggers (which ever shoe fits just wear it) come on back again tomorrow for an update on the Belmont Stakes!

1 comment:

Nicki said...

Ok, I'm all caught up again. Great info...I was running today pretending i was on the Brooklyn Bridge trying to enjoy the scenery and ingnore the burning in my lungs...its getting better