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Monday, February 16, 2009

Some call it luck...

So I'm not SUPER superstitious. I'll gladly walk under a ladder. I'll break a mirror just for the drama-of-it during a good argument (so, not really, but wouldn't that be kinda fun?). And
Friday's that fall on the 13th have never really freaked me out. BUT, I so think someone is thinking of me when my nose itches (all good, I hope). I ALWAYS make strong eye contact when, "clanking," glasses after a toast (a lifetime of bad sex if you don't!). I totally make a wish on stars, eyelashes, wish bones and birthday candles. I never pick up a tails up penny. And I seriously used to think if I didn't, "shoot," my morning Q-tip right into the waste basket it meant a bad day for sure. But, my hubby doesn't think anything is about luck. Good luck, bad luck or indifferent luck (if there is such a thing) is not part of his mantra. So he didn't think a thing of it when he opened up his fortune cookie this weekend and it was... Empty. (Que the creepy mood music... reeet, reeet, reeet, reeet...)
Ok, but if you are a titchy-bit superstitious toss a little salt over your shoulder and check out this website for all the crap you need to start worrying about.

1 comment:

Disgruntled Princess said...

I think I'll skip the website...you've given me more than I can handle already!