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Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Catfish!

Dude, duuuuude, d-uuuuuu-da! It's time for a shout out to an oldie, but a goodie! Catfish, Catfish, Catfish... If you hadn't asked me to, "play nice," I woulda had no problem telling the world you are 27 years away from collecting your first, "ss," check. Opps, well anyway what's the big deal-e-o bout almost being fffff... forrr.... forttt... Oh, almostfortyget it already. How's that go? You are only as old as you act (feel, whatever). In your case I'd say your older than 2, but not a day over 21. If the porch was open, I'd crank Buffet on the Ipod & send ya off with a birthday jig-you handsome devil you! This Bud's for you! Happy Birthday to one of my most favorite people in the whole wide world!


Disgruntled Princess said...

Oh come on, fourrr....ttyy is not so hard to say. Better start practicing now, cuz when you get there you know we won't let you hide!! Love those pictures...he has got the best "whole face smile" ever!

Henry said...

I just gotta say that AJ thinks this post is the nicest thing in the world and can't stop talking about it. He's computer illiterate, so I am making the comment. He said he'll call you to thank you though, he's in class all day today. Thank you Brookie, he's just so dang adorable isn't he?