That's it. Done, dun and dunne. Oh sure, it's gonna be hard, but I've been scared as a ghost. AND, I'm gonna look like one now that I have turned over my new Casper white leaf. This morning I traded in my three stitches for sixteen new ones. Yes! Sixteen! Eight on the inside and 8 on the outside. Great. Just what I need is another dimple on my big ole butt. Here's the deal. Some lab rat in pathology didn't like what they saw under the microscope, so back under the scalpel I go. Carved right down to the fat and grissel to get all the bad cells (spitz tumor) out and keep me free of the melanoma. I marched (actually, more like shuffled) off the table and went right straight to Walgreen's. Two boxes of Tefla bandages, one jug of Extra Strength, Rapid Release Tylenol and SPF 70 sunblock for my upcoming winter safari. Think I am kidding?!? They really truly make it, and I really truly will be the, "whitest cracker arse," ever to walk the beaches of Mexico. I've seen the light or blocked the light, whatever. Uh, huh. A self photograph of my wound, all in the name of blog material.
Nice Ass! I've always wanted to say that...oh wait, I think I have before. You'd think that the bandage would have helped you keep your pants on...once a mooner, always a mooner. XOXO
Nice Ass! I've always wanted to say that...oh wait, I think I have before. You'd think that the bandage would have helped you keep your pants on...once a mooner, always a mooner. XOXO
That sucks! It's spray tan for you now too. That's what happens as we get "wiser." Good they caught it & at least it wasn't on one of your namesakes!
dangit! sorry your tooshie hurts, butt, i mean "but", it was nice of you to wear pretty panties for the pic...
feel better!
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