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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rest In Peace Jessie...

Recently, I have had a few deep blog posts, so I write this at the risk of being morbid.
This evening I attended a funeral for the young woman you see to the left. Young, as in 24 years, young. Young, as in born in 1984, young. Young, as in at the age where ones body should be fit, healthy, athletic. Perhaps this is the reason her death has me thinking about my own mortality and how a healthy life can often be taken for granted. She was an athlete, an artist, a singer, a graduate with a degree in interior design, an animal lover, full of charm and quick wit. She fought hard, at one point asking her doctor if she could have her slogan word, PERSEVERANCE, tattooed to the back of her bald head. She was a beautiful girl, remarkably stunning even sans hair. A bright smile and a courageous family supporting her in her fight. Nothing seems fair about loss of life, and a long, hard struggle with a incurable and inconsiderate disease, not when you have so much left to do on this earth.
I left the service tonight with profound sadness and a new sense of purpose. Jessie's family shared some entries from her journal. She was a woman wise beyond her twenty-four years. She talked of living a life without any should haves. No regrets, no wishing you had done differently. I will think of her often, living my life with her in mind... without any should haves.
To read about Jessie's journey from her Caring Bridge website follow this link.

1 comment:

Katie T said...

Oh my gosh...I read her Caringbridge...so sad. Sorry for the loss of your friend